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Highslide JS The Gospels (MS8321)�Evangelierna (MS8321)�E. Korkhmazian, I. Drampian, G. Hakopian, "Armenian Manuscripts of the 13th and 14th centuries", Matenadaran Collection, Leningrad, 1984
Khorans, portrait of St. Matthew (a later addition), first pages, portrait of Prince Leon, marginals; top margins of all the folios cut off�Khoraner, porträtt of S:t Matteus (ett senare tillägg), första sidorna, porträtt av Prins Leon, marginaler; toppmarginalerna hos alla sidor är avskurna
Author: unknown�Okänd�unknown�Okänd
Illuminator: N/A
Date: 13Cï¿ Century
Place: Cilicia : - : - : Hromkla monastery
Current Place: Matenadaran (Yerevan)�Matenadaran (Jerevan)
Material & Size: Parchment, 15.8 X 11.3 cm�Pergament, 15,8 x 11,3 cm
Pages: 356 ff.�f.8v


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Highslide JS The Gospels (MS8772)�Evangelierna (MS8772)�E. Korkhmazian, I. Drampian, G. Hakopian, "Armenian Manuscripts of the 13th and 14th centuries", Matenadaran Collection, Leningrad, 1984
Khorans, portraits of the Evangelists, first pages, self-portrait of the illuminator, portrait of the donor (Grigor), marginals, initials�Khoraner, porträtt av evangelisterna, första sidorna, självporträtt av illustratören, porträtt av donatorn (Grigor), marginaler, initialer
Author: Aristakes�Aristakes�Tserun�Tserun
Illuminator: N/A
Date: 1391�
Place: Western Armenia : Vaspourakan : Aghtamar :
Current Place: Matenadaran (Yerevan)�Matenadaran (Jerevan)
Material & Size: Vellum, 15.5 X 11.5cm�Vellum, 15.5 X 11.5cm
Pages: 275 ff.�f. 5r

Tserun belongs to a group of Vaspurakan artists whose work was entirely based on and inspired by the local traditions of book illumination. Tserun had numerous pupils and followers, so that the term "Tserunian style" came to be adopted in specialist literature.�Tserun tillhör en grupp avVaspourakans konstnärer vars verk var helt baserat på och inspirerat av de lokala traditionerna för bokmålning. Tserun hade flera elever och följare, så att begreppet "Tseruniska stilen" kom att antas i speciella litteratur.

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Highslide JS The Gospels (MS7628)�Evangeliebok (MS7628)�E. Korkhmazian, I. Drampian, G. Hakopian, "Armenian Manuscripts of the 13th and 14th centuries", Matenadaran Collection, Leningrad, 1984
First pages, marginals, initials�Första sidor, marginaler, initialer
Author: Jeremiah�Jeremia�Jeremiah�Jeremia
Illuminator: N/A
Date: 1331�
Place: Italy : - : Perugia :
Current Place: Matenadaran (Yerevan)�Matenadaran (Jerevan)
Material & Size: Vellum, 24.5 X 16.5cm�Vellum, 24,5 X 16,5cm
Pages: 164 ff.�f. 4


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Highslide JS The Gospels (MS5786)�Evangeliebok (MS5786)�E. Korkhmazian, I. Drampian, G. Hakopian, "Armenian Manuscripts of the 13th and 14th centuries", Matenadaran Collection, Leningrad, 1984
Khorans, portraits of the Evangelists, first pages, 6 full-page and marginal historiated miniatures, marginals�Khoraner, porträtt av evangelierna, första sidor, 6 helsidor illustrerade miniatyrer, marginaler
Author: Sargis Pidzak�Sargis Pidzak�Sargis Pidzak�Sargis Pidzak
Illuminator: N/A
Date: 1336�
Place: Cilicia : - : Sis :
Current Place: Matenadaran (Yerevan)�Matenadaran (Jerevan)
Material & Size: Parchment, 27 X 19cm�Pergament, 27 x 19 cm
Pages: 344 ff.�f.16 v

Instead of the usual method of incorporating the illustrations into the text, adopted by most Cilician artists, Sargis Pidzak resorts to a compromise between the Oriental custom of grouping all the illustrations together and placing them before the text of the manuscript in a separate fascicle, and the Byzantine tradition of preceding each of the four Gospels with a full-page illustration: he places two miniatures before each of the Gospels. Apart from these, the manuscript contains a great number of marginal historiated miniatures which form a kind of reduced illustrative cycle. Thus, the motif of The Annunciation is represented only by the figure of the archangel, the episode of The Presentation in the Temple by an outline of a small church, etc.�Istället för den vanliga metoden för inarbetnignen av illustrationer in i texten, använt av de flesta kilikiska konstnärer, Sargis Pidzak använder sig av en kompromiss mellan orientaliska seder för gruppering av alla illustrationer tillsammans och deras placering innan manuskriptets text i en separat fascikel, och den bysantinska traditionen för föregången av var och en av de fyra evangelierna med fullsidiga illustrationer: han placerar två minatyrer innan varje evangelium. Föruom dessa, innehåller manuskriptet ett stort antal illustrerade miniatyrer i marginalen, vilka formar en sorts reducerad illustrativ cykel. Därmed presenteras motiven för Jungfrus bebådelse endast med figuren för ärkeängeln, episoden för Presentationen i templet, genom konturen av en liten kyrka etc.

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Highslide JS The Gospels (MS5332)�Evangelierna (MS5332)�E. Korkhmazian, I. Drampian, G. Hakopian, "Armenian Manuscripts of the 13th and 14th centuries", Matenadaran Collection, Leningrad, 1984
Khorans, portraits of the Evangelists, first pages, 13 full-page historiated miniatures, marginals, initials�Khoraner, porträtt av evangelisterna, första sidorna, 13 helsidor illustrerade miniatyrer, marginaler, initialer
Author: Karapet�Karapet�Zachariah Aghtamartsi�Zachariah Aghtamartsi
Illuminator: N/A
Date: 1357�
Place: Western Armenia : Vaspourakan : Aghtamar :
Current Place: Matenadaran (Yerevan)�Matenadaran (Jerevan)
Material & Size: Vellum, 27 X 18cm�Vellum, 27 X 18cm
Pages: 276 ff.�f. 5


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Highslide JS The Gospels (MS8321)�Evangelierna (MS8321)�E. Korkhmazian, I. Drampian, G. Hakopian, "Armenian Manuscripts of the 13th and 14th centuries", Matenadaran Collection, Leningrad, 1984
Khorans, portrait of St. Matthew (a later addition), first pages, portrait of Prince Leon, marginals; top margins of all the folios cut off�Khoraner, porträtt of S:t Matteus (ett senare tillägg), första sidorna, porträtt av Prins Leon, marginaler; toppmarginalerna hos alla sidor är avskurna
Author: unknown�Okänd�unknown�Okänd
Illuminator: N/A
Date: 13Cï¿ Century
Place: Cilicia : - : - : Hromkla monastery
Current Place: Matenadaran (Yerevan)�Matenadaran (Jerevan)
Material & Size: Parchment, 15.8 X 11.3 cm�Pergament, 15,8 x 11,3 cm
Pages: 356 ff.�f.4v


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Highslide JS The Gospels (MS10675)�Evangelierna (MS10675)�E. Korkhmazian, I. Drampian, G. Hakopian, "Armenian Manuscripts of the 13th and 14th centuries", Matenadaran Collection, Leningrad, 1984
Khorans, portraits of the Evangelists, first pages, 13 full-page historiated miniatures, marginals�Khoraner, porträtt av evangelisterna, första sidorna, 13 helsidor illustrerade miniatyrer, marginaler, initialer
Author: Toros Roslin�Toros Roslin�Toros Roslin�Toros Roslin
Illuminator: N/A
Date: 1268�
Place: - : - : - : Hromkla monastery
Current Place: Matenadaran (Yerevan)�Matenadaran (Jerevan)
Material & Size: Parchment, 22 X 17cm�Pergament, 22 x 17 cm
Pages: 332 ff.�f. 19

Known as the Malatian Gospels, after the town of Malatia where it was kept for some time.�Känt som malatiska evengeliet, efter staden Malatia där det bevarades under en tid.

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Highslide JS The Gospels (MS6289)�Evangelierna (MS6289)�E. Korkhmazian, I. Drampian, G. Hakopian, "Armenian Manuscripts of the 13th and 14th centuries", Matenadaran Collection, Leningrad, 1984
Khorans, portraits of the Evangelists, 11 full-page historiated�Khoraner, porträtt av evangelisterna, 11 helsidor med illustrationer
Author: Toros Taronatsi�Toros Taronatsi�Toros Taronatsi�Toros Taronatsi
Illuminator: N/A
Date: 1323�
Place: Eastern Armenia : Syounik : - : Gladzor monastery
Current Place: Matenadaran (Yerevan)�Matenadaran (Jerevan)
Material & Size: Parchment, 25X19 cm�Pergament, 25 x 19 cm
Pages: 286 ff.�f. 143

The miniatures in this manuscript are among Taronatsi's best works. In these miniatures the local traditions of Siunik are curiously mixed with tendencies derived from Cilician art.�Miniatyrerna i detta manuskript är bland Taronatsis bästa verk. I dessa miniatyrer blandas de lokala traditionerna i Siunik noggrannt med tendenser från den kilikiska konsten.

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Highslide JS The Gospels (MS2743)�Evangelierna (MS2743)�E. Korkhmazian, I. Drampian, G. Hakopian, "Armenian Manuscripts of the 13th and 14th centuries", Matenadaran Collection, Leningrad, 1984
Khorans, portraits of the Evangelists, first pages, 7 full-page historiated miniatures, marginals, initials�Khoraner, porträtt av evangelisterna, första sidorna, 7 helsidor illustrerade miniatyrer, marginaler, initialer
Author: Tiranu�Tiranu�Grigor�Grigor
Illuminator: N/A
Date: 1232�
Place: - : - : - :
Current Place: Matenadaran (Yerevan)�Matenadaran (Jerevan)
Material & Size: Parchment, 30 X 26cm�Pergament, 30 x 26 cm
Pages: 374 ff.�f.12 r

Known as the Targmantchants Gospels, after the monastery where it was kept for a considerable period of time.�Känt som Targmantchats Evengeliet, efter klostret där det bevarades för en längre period.

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Highslide JS The Gospels (MS8772)�Evangelierna (MS8772)�E. Korkhmazian, I. Drampian, G. Hakopian, "Armenian Manuscripts of the 13th and 14th centuries", Matenadaran Collection, Leningrad, 1984
Khorans, portraits of the Evangelists, first pages, self-portrait of the illuminator, portrait of the donor (Grigor), marginals, initials�Khoraner, porträtt av evangelisterna, första sidorna, självporträtt av illustratören, porträtt av donatorn (Grigor), marginaler, initialer
Author: Aristakes�Aristakes�Tserun�Tserun
Illuminator: N/A
Date: 1391�
Place: Western Armenia : Vaspourakan : Aghtamar :
Current Place: Matenadaran (Yerevan)�Matenadaran (Jerevan)
Material & Size: Vellum, 15.5 X 11.5cm�Vellum, 15.5 X 11.5cm
Pages: 275 ff.�f.7 v

Tserun belongs to a group of Vaspurakan artists whose work was entirely based on and inspired by the local traditions of book illumination. Tserun had numerous pupils and followers, so that the term "Tserunian style" came to be adopted in specialist literature.�Tserun tillhör en grupp avVaspourakans konstnärer vars verk var helt baserat på och inspirerat av de lokala traditionerna för bokmålning. Tserun hade flera elever och följare, så att begreppet "Tseruniska stilen" kom att antas i speciella litteratur.

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