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Highslide JS The Gospels (MS6303)�Evangelierna (MS6303)�E. Korkhmazian, I. Drampian, G. Hakopian, "Armenian Manuscripts of the 13th and 14th centuries", Matenadaran Collection, Leningrad, 1984
Khorans, portraits of the Evangelists, first pages, 11 full-page historiated miniatures, marginals, initials�Khoraner, porträtt av evangelisterna, första sidorna, 11 helsidor illustrerade miniatyrer, marginaler, initialer
Author: unknown�Okänd�unknown�Okänd
Illuminator: N/A
Date: 13C�14 Century
Place: - : - : - :
Current Place: Matenadaran (Yerevan)�Matenadaran (Jerevan)
Material & Size: Vellum, 29 X 23.5 cm�Vellum, 29 x 23,5 cm
Pages: 340 ff.�f. 4v


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Highslide JS The Gospels (MS6303)�Evangelierna (MS6303)�E. Korkhmazian, I. Drampian, G. Hakopian, "Armenian Manuscripts of the 13th and 14th centuries", Matenadaran Collection, Leningrad, 1984
Khorans, portraits of the Evangelists, first pages, 11 full-page historiated miniatures, marginals, initials�Khoraner, porträtt av evangelisterna, första sidorna, 11 helsidor illustrerade miniatyrer, marginaler, initialer
Author: unknown�Okänd�unknown�Okänd
Illuminator: N/A
Date: 13C�14 Century
Place: - : - : - :
Current Place: Matenadaran (Yerevan)�Matenadaran (Jerevan)
Material & Size: Vellum, 29 X 23.5 cm�Vellum, 29 x 23,5 cm
Pages: 340 ff.�f. 3


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Highslide JS The Bible (MS206)�Bibeln (MS206)�E. Korkhmazian, I. Drampian, G. Hakopian, "Armenian Manuscripts of the 13th and 14th centuries", Matenadaran Collection, Leningrad, 1984
Khorans, portraits of the Evangelists, title-pages, 27 full-page�Khorans, porträtt av evangelierna, huvudsidor, 27 helsidor
Author: Stepanos�Stepanos�Toros Taronatsi�Toros Taronatsi
Illuminator: N/A
Date: 1318�
Place: Eastern Armenia : Syounik : - : Gladzor monastery
Current Place: Matenadaran (Yerevan)�Matenadaran (Jerevan)
Material & Size: Parchment, 26 X 18 cm�Pergament, 26 x 18 cm
Pages: 588 ff.�f.495 v


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Highslide JS The Gospels (MS3033)�Evangelierna (MS3033)�E. Korkhmazian, I. Drampian, G. Hakopian, "Armenian Manuscripts of the 13th and 14th centuries", Matenadaran Collection, Leningrad, 1984
Khorans, portraits of the Evangelists, first pages�Khoraner, porträtt av evangelisterna, första sidorna
Author: Sargis�Sargis�unknown�Okänd
Illuminator: N/A
Date: 1251�
Place: Cilicia : - : - : Hromkla monastery
Current Place: Matenadaran (Yerevan)�Matenadaran (Jerevan)
Material & Size: Parchment, 21X15 cm�pergament, 21 x15 cm
Pages: 411 ff.�f. 125v


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Highslide JS Lectionary (MS979)��E. Korkhmazian, I. Drampian, G. Hakopian, "Armenian Manuscripts of the 13th and 14th centuries", Matenadaran Collection, Leningrad, 1984
Title-pages, historiated miniatures (8 full-page ones, 2 occupying a third and 3 a quarter of the page), marginals (about 400), initials�
Author: unknown��unknown�
Illuminator: N/A
Date: 1286�
Place: Cilicia : - : - :
Current Place: Matenadaran (Yerevan)�Matenadaran (Jerevan)
Material & Size: Parchment, 33.5 X 24.5 cm�
Pages: 479 ff.�f. 210v


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Highslide JS The Bible (MS2705)�The Bible (MS2705)�E. Korkhmazian, I. Drampian, G. Hakopian, "Armenian Manuscripts of the 13th and 14th centuries", Matenadaran Collection, Leningrad, 1984
Portraits of the Evangelists, first pages, title-pages, 6 full-page historiated miniatures, marginals, initials�Porträtt av evangelierna, första sidorna, titelsidor, 6 helsidor illustrerade miniatyrer, marginaler, initialler
Author: Arakel, Stepanos and Nikolayos�Arakel, Stepanos och Nikolayos�The first two parts unknown, the third part by Nikolayos�De två första delarna okända, den tredje är av Nikolayos
Illuminator: N/A
Date: 13C�17 Century
Place: Crimea : - : Bologna :
Current Place: Matenadaran (Yerevan)�Matenadaran (Jerevan)
Material & Size: Parchment, 29 X 21 cm�Pergament, 29 x 21 cm
Pages: 487 ff.�f. 334v

The manuscript was begun in the thirteenth century in Bologna, Italy, and finished in 1368 in the Crimea. In the seventeenth century the initial parts of the Old Testament were rewritten and illuminated anew, also in the Crimea. Despite the different dates of their production the three sections of the manuscript produce a remarkably uniform impression due to the fact that each succeeding master apparently tried to remain faithful to the original stylistic principles.�Manuskriptet börjades under 1200-talet i Bologna, Italien och avslutades år 1368 i Krim. Under 1600-talet skrev man om initiala delarna till det Gamla Testamentet och målade om dem, även det i Krim. Trots olika produktionsdatum för de tre sektionerna skapar manuskriptet ett märkvärdigt unifotmt intryck på grund av det faktum att varje efterföljande mästare har tydligen försökt vara troget de ursprungliga stilistika principerna.

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Highslide JS The Gospels (MS8772)�Evangelierna (MS8772)�E. Korkhmazian, I. Drampian, G. Hakopian, "Armenian Manuscripts of the 13th and 14th centuries", Matenadaran Collection, Leningrad, 1984
Khorans, portraits of the Evangelists, first pages, self-portrait of the illuminator, portrait of the donor (Grigor), marginals, initials�Khoraner, porträtt av evangelisterna, första sidorna, självporträtt av illustratören, porträtt av donatorn (Grigor), marginaler, initialer
Author: Aristakes�Aristakes�Tserun�Tserun
Illuminator: N/A
Date: 1391�
Place: Western Armenia : Vaspourakan : Aghtamar :
Current Place: Matenadaran (Yerevan)�Matenadaran (Jerevan)
Material & Size: Vellum, 15.5 X 11.5cm�Vellum, 15.5 X 11.5cm
Pages: 275 ff.�f.3 v

Tserun belongs to a group of Vaspurakan artists whose work was entirely based on and inspired by the local traditions of book illumination. Tserun had numerous pupils and followers, so that the term "Tserunian style" came to be adopted in specialist literature.�Tserun tillhör en grupp avVaspourakans konstnärer vars verk var helt baserat på och inspirerat av de lokala traditionerna för bokmålning. Tserun hade flera elever och följare, så att begreppet "Tseruniska stilen" kom att antas i speciella litteratur.

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Highslide JS The Gospels (MS378)�Evangelierna (MS378)�E. Korkhmazian, I. Drampian, G. Hakopian, "Armenian Manuscripts of the 13th and 14th centuries", Matenadaran Collection, Leningrad, 1984
Khorans, two portraits of the Evangelists (the other two are missing), first pages, 1 full-page historiated miniature, marginals, initials�Khoraner, två porträtt av evangelisterna (de andra två saknas), första sidorna, 1 helsida illustrerad miniatyr, marginaler, initialer
Author: Toros�Toros�Toros�Toros
Illuminator: N/A
Date: 1261�
Place: Karabakh : - : - :
Current Place: Matenadaran (Yerevan)�Matenadaran (Jerevan)
Material & Size: Parchment, 34 X 24 cm�Pergament, 34 x 24 cm
Pages: 311 ff.�f. 5


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Highslide JS The Gospels (MS7651)�Evangeliebok (MS7651)�E. Korkhmazian, I. Drampian, G. Hakopian, "Armenian Manuscripts of the 13th and 14th centuries", Matenadaran Collection, Leningrad, 1984
Khorans, portraits of the Evangelists, first pages, 139 historiated miniatures�Khoraner, porträtt av evangelierna, första sidor, 139 helsidor illustrerade miniatyrer
Author: Stepanos�Stepanos�Eight artists, Sargis Pidzak among them�Åtta konstnärer, bl. a. Sargis Pidzak
Illuminator: N/A
Date: 1320�
Place: Cilicia : - : - :
Current Place: Matenadaran (Yerevan)�Matenadaran (Jerevan)
Material & Size: Parchment, 22.5 X 16.7 cm�Pergament, 22,5 x 16,7 cm
Pages: 276 ff.�f. 73

Known as the "Gospels by Eight Masters"�Känd som "Evangelierna av de åtta mästarna"

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Highslide JS The Gospels (MS8772)�Evangelierna (MS8772)�E. Korkhmazian, I. Drampian, G. Hakopian, "Armenian Manuscripts of the 13th and 14th centuries", Matenadaran Collection, Leningrad, 1984
Khorans, portraits of the Evangelists, first pages, self-portrait of the illuminator, portrait of the donor (Grigor), marginals, initials�Khoraner, porträtt av evangelisterna, första sidorna, självporträtt av illustratören, porträtt av donatorn (Grigor), marginaler, initialer
Author: Aristakes�Aristakes�Tserun�Tserun
Illuminator: N/A
Date: 1391�
Place: Western Armenia : Vaspourakan : Aghtamar :
Current Place: Matenadaran (Yerevan)�Matenadaran (Jerevan)
Material & Size: Vellum, 15.5 X 11.5cm�Vellum, 15.5 X 11.5cm
Pages: 275 ff.�f. 11

Tserun belongs to a group of Vaspurakan artists whose work was entirely based on and inspired by the local traditions of book illumination. Tserun had numerous pupils and followers, so that the term "Tserunian style" came to be adopted in specialist literature.�Tserun tillhör en grupp avVaspourakans konstnärer vars verk var helt baserat på och inspirerat av de lokala traditionerna för bokmålning. Tserun hade flera elever och följare, så att begreppet "Tseruniska stilen" kom att antas i speciella litteratur.

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